Austin, TX: (Apr-09-07) A class action lawsuit filed in 1993 by families of Medicaid recipients against the state of Texas alleged the state was not providing adequate benefits for children. In a settlement reached, the state agreed to raise the reimbursements that doctors received for treating children. As per the settlement agreement, doctors who treat children on Medicaid could receive 25% higher reimbursements. Doctors who provide subspecialty care, like neurosurgery or cardiology for children, would receive increases above 25%. The settlement could go a long way toward improving access for some of the thousands of children in the Valley and 2 million statewide who rely on Medicaid for health or dental care. The state will also increase Medicaid reimbursements by 50% for dentists and to spend more to educate Medicaid families about their benefits. The settlement also requires the state spend more to make sure children, including those who are migrant workers, have regular check-ups, transportation to the doctor and better access to prescription drugs.
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