Comment Guidelines:
- Do not post comments that are abusive, defamatory, illegal, libelous or obscene.
- Do not verbally abuse or threaten other readers. Do not make unsubstantiated allegations against other people or businesses.
- Do not post content that has a copyright and does not belong to you. If you want to share something with other readers, summarize and provide the original source.
- You are solely responsible for the content of your comments. We cannot review every comment, but we reserve the right to edit messages or remove any message deemed inappropriate for any reason. Repeated violation of the rules may result in a loss of posting privileges.
- Advertising and promoting are prohibited. Comments are for discussion of issues and not for promoting businesses or services.
- When you post a comment, you are agreeing that we may distribute your comment via the Internet and to include it in a publicly accessible archive in perpetuity. You are granting others the right to quote from your post here or elsewhere.
- does not release user information to anyone outside the organization.
- reserves the right to change this policy at any time.
- Are abusive, harassing, threatening or vulgar
- Are personal attacks, including name-calling or celebrations of another person's death or misfortune
- Contain advertising or spam
- Violate any of's Terms of Service