A settlement has been reached in the class action lawsuit filed against GameStop Corp. on behalf of consumers. The suit alleged that the video game retailer sold games as though they were new despite the fact that they may have been purchased earlier and returned to the stores. Under the terms of settlement, the company must post notices saying that "All software for video game consoles may have been used and returned in accordance with (the store's) return policy." Also, anyone who bought a video game from GameStop or its affiliated stores between April 12, 1998 and Aug. 1, 2003, from Funcoland stores between June 15, 2000 and Aug. 1, 2003, or from GameStop.com between April 12, 1998 and July 1, 2002 and can produce their receipt may receive a coupon for 5% off the price of any one game. Class members may submit claim forms until November 1, 2003. (Aug-14-03) [GAMESTOP]
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