Washington, DC: A Chicago federal court decreed that all cell phone customers who received unwanted text messages promoting various Web pages will get up to $150 in a class action settlement. The settlement was reached between Distributed Networks, a firm based in Washington, DC, and members of a class action lawsuit. The court action was intended to discourage spam from spreading to mobile phone networks. The attorney who filed the Chicago lawsuit said that traditional class action litigation would be a new deterrent to companies sending unwanted text messages to cell phones.
The class is defined as ALL PERSONS WHO RECEIVED A TEXT MESSAGE between the dates of July 17, 2002 and July 17, 2006, FROM DISTRIBUTIVE NETWORKS, LLC ("DistNet") or Astromobo.com or dailypopgossip.com or Madlovetips.com or dailydoseofblue.com or ringstarmobile.com without your prior express consent. (Jan-31-07) [