
Rockford, IL and the Rock River Water Reclamation District

A proposed class action lawsuit has been filed against the sewer district and the city alleging wrongful conduct and negligence in the management, operation, and design of the city's sewer and storm water systems. The lawsuit was filed in Winnebago County Court, IL after rain waters caused massive flooding throughout Rockford. Hundreds of residents sustained millions of dollars in damage to their homes and property when floodwaters took over their neighborhoods. Basements and streets were filled with the water that the city's storm water management system could not contain.

The lawsuit claims the city of Rockford, IL and the Rock River Water Reclamation District were negligent by failing to clean Keith Creek and take other measures that would have prevented flash floods. It alleges that the overflow that caused massive flooding is the city's fault, and the city should fix the problems and pay for widespread damage.

Residents are seeking an unspecified amount of compensation for damages and economic losses. They are also hoping that the city be ordered to fix the Keith Creek watershed, adopt emergency, short-term, and long-term plans that would prevent sewer water overflows and repair homes that sustained damages.

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