

A lawsuit has been filed claiming Motorola has put the hearing of millions of consumers at risk because Bluetooth headsets exceed safe decibel levels and come with safety warnings that hearing loss can be caused by these high decibel levels. The lawsuit is seeking class action status and was filed in Cook County Circuit Court. "Motorola's headsets have volume controls which produce sounds exceeding 85 decibels, with sound often peaking in excess of 100 decibels. The consumer cannot determine, without resorting to scientific testing, the decibel level of the sound being emitted from the headset. In a test recently performed by the American Speech-Hearing-Language Association, Motorola's H700 model headset produced decibel levels of up to 106 decibels." The lawsuit claims Motorola omitted and concealed safety information pertaining to the headsets' propensity for causing noise-induced hearing loss and omitted information about the headsets' decibel level.

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