Amoxil (amoxicillin) is one of the most widely used pediatric antibiotics, however researchers are suggesting it might interfere with the complete development of tooth enamel. A longitudinal study linked Amoxil to fluorosis on early erupting permanent teeth.
Dental fluorosis is an irreversible condition caused by excessive ingestion of fluoride during the tooth forming years. It is the first visible sign that a child has been overexposed to fluoride. Fluoride causes dental fluorosis by damaging the enamel forming cells, called ameloblasts. The damage to these cells results in a mineralization disorder of the teeth, whereby the porosity of the enamel is increased.
Find more information about Dental Fluorosis at: [FLUORIDE ACTION NETWORK]
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Antibiotic Linked to Incomplete Development of Tooth Enamel [MED PAGE TODAY]Register your Amoxil Complaint
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