Class Action News

Class Action News

Class Action Legal News articles include legal news and lawsuit information about lawsuits filed, settlements reached and verdicts rendered in class action cases dealing with personal injury, defective products, bad drugs and other consumer law related news issues. Many of these articles include interviews from top legal professionals with guidance on legal recourse options from losses resulting from bad drugs, medical malpractice, investment fraud, personal injury, defective products and negligent employers.

  • Oil Spill Victims Return Home to Devastation as Oil Prices Rise
    Oil Spill Victims Return Home to Devastation as Oil Prices Rise
    July 17, 2007

    Feyville, KS Victims of a 71,400-gallon refinery oil spill at the height of Kansas' recent flooding have finally been allowed to return from emergency shelters to inspect their homes. Unfortunately, the Kansas oil spill left many of their homes condemned, the contents caked in oil and toxic sludge.

  • Guidant Defective Defibrillators: Keeping Pace with the Lawsuits
    Guidant Defective Defibrillators: Keeping Pace with the Lawsuits
    July 12, 2007

    St. Clair County, MI: When Boston Scientific merged with Guidant last year, it not only acquired Guidant's product line, but assumed its liabilities as well. That includes a host of individual and class action lawsuits, at least 100 in number, over defective Guidant defibrillator and pacemaker products.

  • EPA Assesses Environmental Disaster in Kansas: Significant Contamination from Oil Spill
    EPA Assesses Environmental Disaster in Kansas: Significant Contamination from Oil Spill
    July 10, 2007

    Coffeyville, KS: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has mobilized to respond to an oil spill at the Coffeyville Resources Refinery, which has spread throughout the region during rampant flood conditions.

  • More Court Dates on the Menu, in the Wake of Menu Foods Recall
    More Court Dates on the Menu, in the Wake of Menu Foods Recall
    July 8, 2007

    Trenton, NJ: In the aftermath of the huge Menu Foods pet food recall this past spring, the New Jersey state legislature is considering joining two other states - Illinois and Tennessee - in granting pet owners the right to sue for loss of companionship and reasons other than economic loss - and to claim damages up to a specific cap.

  • Restocking Fees: Lawsuits
    Restocking Fees: Lawsuits
    July 7, 2007

    Seattle, WA Some states are filing lawsuits against companies that illegally charge restocking fees. Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott filed a lawsuit against ASAP Motors claiming the company illegally charged restocking fees. According to court documents the defendant charged a restocking fee of 20 percent on items that were delivered either damaged or defective despite a company policy stating that the restocking fee applied only to non-defective returns.

  • Veggie Booty Recalled for Possible Salmonella Contamination
    Veggie Booty Recalled for Possible Salmonella Contamination
    July 6, 2007

    Sea Cliff, NY: Just when you think you've found a way for your kid to eat their vegetables, along comes news that those veggies could seriously harm your child.

  • Owners of Businesses that Hire Illegal Immigrants Arrested
    Owners of Businesses that Hire Illegal Immigrants Arrested
    July 2, 2007

    Bangor, ME Businesses that knowingly hire illegal immigrants are increasingly finding themselves as defendants in lawsuits. In addition to suits filed by the government, these companies are now facing claims from employees, alleging the businesses drive down wages by hiring illegal immigrants, and from competitors, who claim the practices violate unfair-competition laws. At the same time, owners and managers are being arrested for hiring undocumented workers.

  • Zelnorm: Thank God it didn't Work
    Zelnorm: Thank God it didn't Work
    June 27, 2007

    Newport, RI Brenda W. thanks her lucky stars that Zelnorm only helped her irritable bowel syndrome for a few months. If she continued taking the drug, Brenda believes her chest pains could have led to a heart attack.

  • AMO Complete MoisturePlus Caused Living Hell
    AMO Complete MoisturePlus Caused Living Hell
    June 26, 2007

    Toronto, ONT Diane Harris spent several agonizing months trying to find a cure for her serious eye infection. Finally, she found an ophthalmologist who diagnosed her with Acanthamoeba keratitis—she had been using AMO Complete MoisturePlus for some time.

  • Governments Crack Down on Companies that Hire Illegal Immigrants
    Governments Crack Down on Companies that Hire Illegal Immigrants
    June 24, 2007

    Tuscon, AZ: With each day that passes more and more governments are passing laws to crack down on companies that hire illegal immigrants. At the same time, employees are filing their own lawsuits alleging that their employers' illegal practices are causing wages to drop drastically.

  • Public Interest Groups Fight Cell Phone Termination Fees
    Public Interest Groups Fight Cell Phone Termination Fees
    June 22, 2007

    Madison, WI: Consumer and public interest groups are becomingly increasingly frustrated with the outrageous practices that cell phone companies are able to get away with; practices such as early cell phone termination fees, double billing, poor service, and high late fees.

  • Washington State Court of Appeals Errored in Denying AT&T Wireless Services, Inc. Class Certification
    Washington State Court of Appeals Errored in Denying AT&T Wireless Services, Inc. Class Certification
    June 20, 2007

    The Washington State Court of Appeals held today that under that state's Consumer Protection Act, it was error to deny class certification on the ground that establishing the element of "causation" would require individualized proof that consumers relied upon the defendant's deceptive act or practice. The court also concluded that the Washington Consumer Protection Act could be applied to the claims of all customers nationwide where the defendant resided in Washington and undertook its allegedly deceptive practices there. And the court held that it was error to deny certification of a nationwide class on the plaintiffs' breach of contract claim because individual choice of law issues did not predominate where the claim turned on interpretation of a standardized adhesion contract which the defendants used with all its customers nationwide.

  • FDA Colludes With Merck To Avoid Vioxx Liability - Part II
    FDA Colludes With Merck To Avoid Vioxx Liability - Part II
    June 13, 2007

    Washington, DC: Legal experts say the recent court ruling in Bush's home state of Texas that failure-to-warn claims against Merck by Vioxx victims in state courts are preempted is particularly egregious due to the FDA's failure to protect the public against Merck's deceptive mass-marketing of Vioxx as a safe drug for basically 5 years.

  • FDA Colludes With Merck To Avoid Vioxx Liability - Part I
    FDA Colludes With Merck To Avoid Vioxx Liability - Part I
    June 12, 2007

    Washington, DC: The FDA is still helping Merck escape liability for the Vioxx disaster. Texas Judge Randy Wilson, who is overseeing the Texas state court proceedings, recently granted Merck's motion to dismiss possibly thousands of lawsuits, essentially because the FDA refuses to acknowledge that Merck concealed information about the safety risks of Vioxx.

  • Menu Foods Class Action Lawsuits in Canada
    Menu Foods Class Action Lawsuits in Canada
    June 11, 2007

    Toronto, ON: To Pet Owners Everywhere: You deserve compensation. To Canadians: Here is what you can do...

  • Cell Phone Termination Fees: States Consider Consumer Protection
    Cell Phone Termination Fees: States Consider Consumer Protection
    June 10, 2007

    Los Angeles, CA The California State Senate will vote on legislation designed to protect cell phone users in California from early cell phone termination fees and other fraudulent cell phone industry practices. California is one of a number of states that are starting to take action against cell phone companies and their abusive practices.

  • Menu Foods: Tainted Pet Food Raises a Bigger Concern
    Menu Foods: Tainted Pet Food Raises a Bigger Concern
    May 28, 2007

    Miami, FL The recent discovery, and reclamation of contaminated pet food in the Menu Foods recall, has generated concern about the quality of food exports coming from China.

  • Anemia Drug Profit Scheme Screeches to a Halt - Part II
    Anemia Drug Profit Scheme Screeches to a Halt - Part II
    May 28, 2007

    Washington, DC: Due to their rampant off-label use, at a May 10, 2007, meeting, an FDA advisory panel voted 15-2 in favor of adding new restrictions on the use of the anemia drugs darbepoetin and epoetin, known as Erythropoiesis Stimulating Agents, the man-made versions of a hormone produced in the kidneys that prevents anemia.

  • Anemia Drug Profit Scheme Screeches to a Halt - Part I
    Anemia Drug Profit Scheme Screeches to a Halt - Part I
    May 26, 2007

    Washington, DC: On May 9, 2007, the New York Times reported that drug makers Johnson & Johnson and Amgen are paying "hundreds of millions of dollars to doctors every year in return for giving their patients anemia medicines."

  • Cancer Connection: Protopic and Elidel
    Cancer Connection: Protopic and Elidel
    May 22, 2007

    Quakertown, PA "My wife broke out in nasty rashes and the doctor assumed it was eczema so she was prescribed Elidel," says Fred Laincz. "Her rashes cleared up but at the same time she became very sick." Betsy Laincz, 59, was diagnosed with liver cancer and passed away last month.

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