

A class action lawsuit has been filed against AT&T on behalf of customers. The suit was filed in regards to a phone scam in which the someone hacks into a customer's voice mail and changes the outgoing message to include the word "yes." The hacker then calls back collect to the same number, and the hacked voicemail accepts the charges. The lead plaintiff in the suit, Jeremy Orgel of San Francisco was charged $30,000 on January 6th because of such a scam which originated in Saudi Arabia. "The AT&T portion was over $23,000," he said. "The MCI was $7000. I contested these bills. MCI excused the charges... AT&T has been telling me I am responsible for these charge,." states Orge. AT&T is unwilling to let these charges go, and claims that the customers should not have chosen an easy to guess password, or left their voicemail unmonitored. Other phone companies, such as MCI and Sprint have forgiven these types of charges.

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