Puppy Died after Eating Menu Foods

. By Jane Mundy

"Our puppy died after eating Eukaneba, one of the brands from Menu Foods," says Wendy Mena. "My kids are devastated."

Mina bought their Chihuahua from a breeder in Texas and had him shipped to Chicago. Although her family only had 'Rocky' for a short time, it doesn't take long to get attached to a puppy. He was immediately one of the family. "We got Rocky when he was three months old and the breeder told us to feed him Eukaneba," Mena says. "So we started feeding him the moist savory chicken in the foil pouches.

"He started to look weak and then he stopped eating. Rocky was drinking water but nothing else. Then he had diarrhea and was very lethargic. The poor little guy was only 10 ounces - this happened so quickly. On February 9th we rushed him to the veterinary ER clinic.

They admitted him immediately and put him on an IV and ran all kinds of tests. He died the next morning - there was nothing they could do. My kids, all of us, were devastated. We only had him a few weeks but that was enough for the children to fall in love with him. A few days after he died I heard about the recall and went online to read more about it. He had all the symptoms; I saw the link to the brands involved and there it was - Eukaneba was one of them!

I have been trying to call the 800 number for Menu Foods but it is impossible to get through to them. I hope we can get compensation for some of the expenses. Rocky was $850 and the vet bills were another $800. The children are devastated and I hope there will be a law suit against Menu Foods. We have two other dogs but Rocky was the baby - our dogs are members of the family. They go everywhere with us.

As well, when Rocky died we had food left over and the other dogs ate it - I am keeping an eye on them and hopefully they will be okay. I don't have the packages but I did the keep the receipt."

On March 17, 2007 the FDA announced a recall of Pet Foods manufactured by Menu Foods, Inc. At that time they reported ten deaths - one dog and nine cats. They didn't count Rocky.

Menu Foods Inc. Legal Help

If your pet has suffered or died as a result of eating Menu Foods pet foods, please contact a [Pet Food Death] lawyer who will evaluate your claim at no charge or obligation.